A set of guidelines outlining expected ethical behavior and professional standards for employees, promoting integrity, accountability, and respect in the workplace, and serving as a foundation for a positive organizational culture.
Course Objective
Promote Ethical Behavior: Ensure understanding of ethical standards and expected conduct within the organization.
Define Reporting Mechanisms: Outline effective whistleblowing procedures and encourage safe reporting of misconduct.
Build Accountability and Transparency: Foster a culture of integrity, accountability, and transparency in the workplace.
Course Content
Introduction to Code of Conduct: Overview of ethical standards, employee responsibilities, and core organizational values.
Understanding Whistleblowing: Definition, importance, and benefits of whistleblowing for a healthy workplace culture.
Reporting Mechanisms: Steps for reporting misconduct, channels available, and confidentiality assurances.
Types of Misconduct: Examples of unethical behavior (fraud, harassment, policy violations) and how to recognize them.
Protection and Support for Whistleblowers: Rights, protections, and resources available for employees who report misconduct.
Case Studies: Real-world scenarios and the role of whistleblowing in resolving misconduct.
Industry Job roles
Compliance Officer: Ensures all employees adhere to the code of conduct and manages whistleblowing protocols.
Ethics and Compliance Manager: Leads ethical training and promotes a culture of integrity; oversees reporting mechanisms and investigates reports.
Internal Auditor: Monitors adherence to the code of conduct, evaluates ethical practices, and identifies any areas needing improvement.
HR Specialist: Supports employees in understanding conduct expectations, facilitates training, and provides guidance on the whistleblowing process.
Legal Advisor: Provides advice on handling misconduct reports, ensuring legal protection for whistleblowers and adherence to regulations.
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